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Chart Heads

As TreeSpider has different tree types so it also has different options of chart heads that can be chosen from, each trees has a fitting chart head, for example the rounded chart head goes well on the goldenRod tree, the chart heads are as follows


This is the default chart head, example

const instance1 = new TreeSpider({
targetContainer: "#container-1",
chart_head_type: "default"

if you run this it would look somthing like this:


The landscape chart head is an horizontal chart head, example

const instance1 = new TreeSpider({
targetContainer: "#container-1",
chart_head_type: "landscape"

if you run this it would look something like this:


The rounded chart head is a transparent head with bigger image shape, example

const instance1 = new TreeSpider({
targetContainer: "#container-1",
chart_head_type: "rounded"